Is Sustainable Development Challenge
for Ladakh, achievable ?

Is Sustainable Development Challenge for Ladakh, achievable ?

Dr. Srikanta K. Panigrahi
Director General, IISD
Indian Institute of Sustainable Development, New Delhi

Oh Yes, Sure, Sustainable Development is achievable for Ladakh,
although it’s not show easy and very challenging, considering the present state of affairs, as of now; what's all required is to strike a balance in the growth and development with social, environmental and economic sustainability orientation. In fact, We need to be very focused and get engaged in a Series of Sustain efforts continuously, without any break.

We need right Leadership, which is, in fact, already there, In addition, We Of Course, need right direction, appropriate implementation, monitoring mechanisms are to be in place and redefining of the Public Policy Frameworks is necessary again and again, while implementing present plans and programs, from Our daily day today leanings; for which IISD is always there and have already started working with, a series of stronger commitments, with it’s Research and Knowledge Support Centre for Sustainable Development in Ladakh. We at this Centre, have started working with following priorities, as mentioned as of below :

  • Work with Government and Other stakeholders for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Sector
  • Making Ladakh Valley Carbon Neutral or Carbon Minus, by deploying more Renewable Energy, including Solar, Wind, Solar-Wind Hybrid, Small Hydro, Geothermal Energy
  • Promotion of Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, Horticulture, involving Women Self-help Groups and Cooperatives
  • Promotion of Sustainable Tourism in Ladakh, Exploring Eco and Nature based Tourism, generating enough local Employment
  • Ensuring Sustainable Urban Development, Zero Carbon and Water Habitats Development, with negligible carbon and water foot-prints and Human Settlement Planning, Development and Distribution; according their Carrying Capacity, based on Scientific Studies
  • Conserving Natural and Cultural Heritage as well as age-old rich local traditions and ancient value system
  • Promotion Of Ladakhi Loom Sector and Sustainable Fashion
  • Initiatives for a Skill Institute, for the promotion of local skilling, linked to Green Job, Employment and Entrepreneur Development and Start-ups Creation for the Youths

So the Big Questions are now - to achieve Sustainable Development;

  • What We are the actions, those we must initiate, with top most priorities ?
  • Which are the Special Indicators, necessary to be achieved for an exceptional land like ladakh ?
  • Is it the same indicators as UN SDGs targets or something different ?
  • Who are these people, who will make it really Possible ?
  • When it will be Possible to be achieved Completely ?
  • Does Ladakh requires a Special Attention, Comparatively - then Other UTs Of India, as not a Business as usual, case, because of geographical setting, difficult terrain and fragile cold desert climate, without any significant presence of topsoil, vegetation or rainfall ?

Yes answers to each of above questions are available ? Answers are exactly the same, what are just listed above the questions and what IISD Research and Knowledge Support Centre has started working with, Some Of these Points, explained and elaborated below.

1. Sustainable Water and Sanitation
2. Carbon Neutral and Carbon Minus
3. Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, Horticulture
4. Sustainable Eco and Nature based Tourism
5. Zero Carbon and Water Habitats Development
6. Carrying Capacity of the Ladakh Valley
7. Sustainable Urban Development
8. Appropriate Innovative Technology Development, for meeting exceptional local challenges
9. Climate Friendly Green Building Design / Construction
10. Sustainable Infrastructure Development
11. Ladakhi Loom Sector Development, ensuring Sustainable Fashion, from Pashmina
12. Nature and Biodiversity Conservation
13. Natural and Cultural Heritage Conservations
14. Promotion of Traditional Medicines and Local Health Care Practices
15. Women Empowerment and Cooperative Development
16. Education, Skilling, Green Jobs, Employment, Entrepreneurship Development and Start-ups Creation for the Youths
17. Special Indicators for ensuring Sustainability for Ladakh

Niti Aayog is bringing out UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Index report each year. The 3rd report has come recently, in which UT-Ladakh has improved it's Score and Ranking to 66, the same can be downloaded from right hand side margin.

Come and Join your hands today. No One will promote Sustainable Development for us; it cannot be achieved only by Government, playing it's role; Sustainable Development is rather multi-stachholder's responsibility. We all the stakeholders need to come together, lead and ensure the right actions at right time, for initiating economic, social and environment Sustainability measures, in the interests of Prosperity, People and Planet, Yes it’s always possible, provided we are very clear ourselves, what we need do and when to act on what, without any delay. Come, Join and Support IISD today, Sure, together we will make it.

Dr Srikanta K. Panigrahi is the Director General, of a Leading Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Organisation; Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD), New Delhi

NITI Aayog's SDG-India Index 2020-21

UT-Ladakh's Index has increased to 66

You can download by Clicking the Cover below: